Sunday, February 1, 2015




Ingredients :
A. Sponge dough : 60g plain flour, 1/4 teaspoon dried yeast and 40g water. ( Place all ingredients in a bowl and knead until a dough forms, cover with cling wrap and refrigerate overnight.)
B. Main dough for 1st layer : 50g sponge dough, 120g plain flour, 30g wholemeal flour, 1/2 teaspoon dried yeast, 90 -100g fresh milk, 10g caster sugar, 5g unsalted butter and pinch of salt.
C. Main dough for 2nd layer : 50g sponge dough, 150g plain flour, 1/2 teaspoon dried yeast, 10g caster sugar, 5g unsalted butter, approx.70g beetroot juice and approx. 30g water

Method :
1. Put all ingredients B except milk and butter in a bowl, mix well. Add milk to form a dough. ( If dough feels stiff and dry, work in a little more milk/water; if it feels tacky, work in a little more flour )
Add butter, continue kneading until the dough feels soft and elastic. Cover with damp cloth and leave in a warm place until doubled in size.
2. Repeat the same for ingredients C.
3. Lightly flour the worktop and roll out 1st and 2nd layers doughs to a rectangle shape, brush water over the 1st layer dough. Place 2nd layer dough on top of the 1st layer dough. Roll up the dough tightly from the longer side, cut dough into eight pieces. Place each dough on a piece of non stick baking paper. Cover and leave to proof in a warm place ( about 20 plus degree C room temperature ) for about one hour. 
4. Steam for about 12 minutes, allow to sit in a steamer for another 5 minutes with lid slightly open.

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