Friday, November 29, 2013


Pancake Parlour at home - 记忆犹新的香蕉可丽饼

Pancakes, hotcakes, flapjacks, pikelets, or crepes ..... 我喜欢称它为可丽饼

Ingredients : 80g plain flour, 45g wholemeal flour, 1tbs caster sugar, 1 egg, 200g milk, 100g thickened cream, 1 banana, 1 tsp lemon zest and vegetable oil for greasing the pan

Fresh banana, ground cinnamon, honey and lemon to serve.

They are easy to cook,  fast to get on a table and come in a wide variety of styles and flavours.

Saturday, November 23, 2013



一花一世界, 一草一天堂, 一叶一如来, 一砂一极乐, 一方一净土, 一笑一尘缘, 一念一清静.

Coffee Chiffon Roll With Walnut Chatilly Cream

Chiffon Roll:

A) 6 egg yolks, 40g caster sugar, 50g vegetable oil, 30g hot water, 25g fresh milk, 10g instant coffee powder, 80g self raising flour and 10g corn flour

B) 6 egg whites, 70g caster sugar and 1/4 tsp cream of tartar

Chantilly Cream : 

thickened cream, sour cream, vanilla essence and crushed walnuts

Among all cakes ...... Chiffon is my all time favourite.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Full Cream Milk Vs Low Fat Milk

I attended Knox Cooks Network last Thursday. The main objective of this networking session is to allow professional early learning centre cooks to share healthy recipes and tips for making meals healthier for children. In order to ensure the long day care centres are providing children aged 0 to 5 with the essential foods they need ..... we, as a centre cook, have to submit our menus in a very detail manner to Healthy Eating Advisory Service for assessment. Having a menu assessment also assists long day care centres in working towards meeting the requirements of the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care.

Two issues that make me think twice during this meeting were :
1. Kids who are three year old and above are recommended to have low fat milk instead of full cream milk.    
2. Frozen vegetables are as equally good as fresh vegetables.

Is a "very healthy meal" a "happy meal"? I am not so sure.

Anyway I still love to use "original" ingredients in my daily diet although low in fat, sugar and salt and high in fibre are the guidelines I use in my professional and home cooking.

Banana and Walnut Bread with A Twist

I used Curtis Stone's Recipe 

2 cups walnuts, 1 2/3 cup self raising flour, 1 tsp soda bicarbonate, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp nutmeg, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 cup caster sugar, 2 large eggs, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 2 tbs vanilla yoghurt, 3 large bananas and 1 tsp vanilla extract.

Use freshly-whipped cream to serve.

The Centre owner Tamika Hicks and the kinder four year old kids

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Number One Horse Racing Event

Melbourne Cup Day is Australia's best known horse racing event held on the first Tuesday of November every year. It is an annual public holiday in the state of Victoria since 1877. This year I took a day off on Monday in order to enjoy a long, four days off weekend.

I kick off my Tuesday by making an orange chiffon cake. Wow..... love it.

I used Kevin Chai's recipe ( Bake with Kevin Chai )

Ingredients : A) 7 egg yolks, 50g caster sugar, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, 
2 tablespoons orange zest, 60ml orange juice, and 110g self raising flour

B) 7 egg whites, 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar and 130g caster sugar

Lately I bought free range eggs from a chicken farm, Tamarix, located in Dandenong, the eggs are so fresh and there are delicious in making soft boiled eggs and soldiers for the brekkies. I am not sure if the freshness of the eggs make the colour of the chiffon cake so intense like colourings being added in the mixture or the fresh orange juice. My orange chiffon cake colour has never been so beautiful.

Saturday, November 2, 2013



银耳又称作白木耳、雪耳、银耳子等,属于真菌类银耳科银耳属,有“菌中之冠”的美称。其味甘、淡、性平,  有益气清肠、滋阴润肺的作用


材料洗净, 放到锅里, 加水, 大火煮开后改用文火再煮大约半个小时, 再加冰糖调味, 即可

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