Buttery Lemon Curd
180g butter, 160g caster sugar, 160ml lemon juice(strained) and 3 eggs
Method :
1. Place the butter, sugar and lemon juice in a heatproof bowl. Place bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, making sure the bowl does not touch the water. Cook, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon for about 5 minutes or until the butter is melted and the sugar is dissolved.
2. Remove from the heat and slowly whisk in eggs.
3. Return to heat and cook, stirring continuously for 10 minutes or until mixture thickens and coats the back of the spoon. Remove from heat. Set aside for 5 minutes to cool. Pour into hot, sterilised jars and refrigerate.
温馨提示 : 要过滤蛋液,以蒸煮方式慢火搅拌。
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