Saturday, September 27, 2014




Ingredients :
125g plain flour, 125g glutinous rice flour, 80g caster sugar, 3/4 teaspoon dried yeast, 150g mashed pumpkin ( butternut pumpkin ), approx. 125g water and 15g vegetable oil

Method :
1. Place all ingredients except vegetable oil in a bowl, knead to form a smooth dough.
2. Gradually add oil and mix until combined. Rest dough for about 10 minutes.
3. Divide dough into 10 pieces about 58g each. Lightly oil your hands and shape each piece of dough into a ball. Place each ball on top of a piece of non stick baking paper and flatten with your palm. Cover lightly with a damp tea towel and leave to rise in a warm place until doubled in size or very soft to touch.
4. Steam for about 12 minutes or until cooked, allow to sit in steamer for another 5 minutes with lid slightly open.

Note : Cover the top of the steamer with a kitchen towel and place the lid on top, the towel will absorb any steam that collects on top from dripping onto the 喜板.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


冬去春来, 天气渐渐回暖, 25 deg C 的艳阳天, 希巴烂的雀跃.



Ingredients :
A. Tang Zhong : 25g Bakers flour, 125g water/milk
B. Main dough : 100g Tang Zhong, 270g Bakers flour, 30g cake flour, 1 teaspoon dried yeast, 1 egg,      120g fresh milk, 30g caster sugar, 30g unsalted butter and 1 1/4 teaspoon salt 
C. Filling : Melted butter, ground cinnamon and sugar
D. Egg wash and almond flakes                        

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Say Good-bye

从秋季纠结至春季, 终于怀着一颗忐忑不安的心走进手术室, 摘下至少长达七年长在颈部左边的肪肪瘤, 经过全身麻醉,打点滴, 少许的痛楚以及眩晕......哈哈 终于难分难舍的say good bye to my "Lipoma"..... 它的大小就如我的香兰叶糯米球.


Ingredients : 
A) 125g Glutinous rice flour, 50ml Home made pandan paste, 30g Ayam brand coconut cream and about 30g hot water
B) Gula Melaka
C) Fresh desiccated coconut and pinch of salt

Monday, September 15, 2014


超爱汪峰的摇滚音乐, 在这风和日暖, 蓝天白云的春天里, 这首歌油然而生的在耳边盘旋, 荡漾. 久久不散........

--如果有一天我老无所依, 请把我留在那时光里, 如果有一天我悄然离去, 请把我埋在这春天里--

后花园的桃花依旧, 绚丽且耀眼

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Braised Red Wine and Rosemary Lamb Shanks

无羊骚味的红洒炖羊膝. 我对红肉从不感兴趣, 但我家 old man 是肉食控, 给他解嘴馋. 同时也慰劳我的好邻居, 一举两得.

Braised Red Wine and Rosemary Lamb Shanks

Ingredients : Lamb Shanks ( Spring Lamb ), garlic, onions, carrots, celery, tomato paste, diced tomato, rosemary, bay leaves, red wine, beef stock, plain flour for dusting, salt and cracked black pepper.

Method :
1. Dust the lamb shanks in the flour, salt and black pepper, shake off excess.
2. Heat a little oil in a saucepan, brown the lamb shanks well all sides.  Set aside.
3. Meanwhile cook garlic, carrots, celery and onions for a few minutes.
4. Add tomato paste, diced tomato, beef stock, rosemary and bay leaves. Bring to the boil, return the shanks to the pan, cover with a lid and cook for about one to one and a half hour.
5. Uncover and continue cooking, stirring regularly, for another 30 minutes or until shanks are fall apart tender.
6. Serve with steamed vegetable, couscous, rice or mashed potato.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


不一样的戚风蛋糕, choux pastry般的做法, 超软. 冰过后次日才吃, 配上红茶或咖啡, 感觉超cool!


食谱取之carol 自在生活

Ingredients : 
A. 4 egg yolks, 1 whole egg, 30g caster sugar, 40g vegetable oil, 100g fresh milk, 40g cheese slices, 2 twinings earl grey tea bags and 100g low protein flour

B. 5 egg whites, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 60g caster sugar

一般戚风作法, 160 deg C 烤大概50分钟

Note :
2.將過篩的低筋麵粉一口氣倒入,用木匙快速攪拌. (水及油煮沸後轉小火倒入麵粉後,火還不要關,  一邊攪拌
3.然後依序將蛋黃及1顆全蛋一個一個加入混合均勻, 每加一個蛋黃必須攪拌均勻才加下一個, 直到麵糊呈

Monday, September 1, 2014


路边摊小吃 - 芋头糕, 亦是我那年代上班族的早点之一。


Ingredients : 
350g diced taro, cooking oil, 60g dried shrimps, 100g shallots, 2 cups rice flour, 31/2 cups water, 3 tablespoons corn flour, 1/4 teaspoon five-spice powder, 1/4 teaspoon white pepper and 11/2 teaspoon salt.

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