Saturday, November 1, 2014


在墨尔本的亚洲商店买咸蛋可得靠运气, 品质时好时坏. 今日我可得瑟了.....自制的五香咸鸡蛋腌制成功, 这咸鸡蛋啊还挺贵气的, 为了免於它们百毒不侵,在洗净后腌制前我特意蘸上一层含酒精量高的白兰地酒.



Ingredients :
10 chicken eggs or duck eggs, 175g rock salt, 700g water, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 2 teaspoons szechuan peppercorn and 2 star anise  

Method :
1. Place water, salt, szechuan peppercorn and star anise into a saucepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring for five minutes or until salt has dissolved. Bring to the boil, simmer, uncovered for about ten minutes. Remove from heat and set aside to cool completely. Add in cooking wine. Stir well.
2. Meanwhile rinse eggs and wipe them dry with a tea towel. Coat eggs with a layer of brandy and set aside.
3. Carefully place eggs in a sterilised jar, pour liquid over eggs. Making sure eggs are completely covered and have no cracks. Secure lid and keep in room temperature for about 30 to 35 days before using.

Note : the ratio of salt and water is 1 : 4

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