Tuesday, November 4, 2014

思念总在分手后 - Apam Balik

犹记得当年我家附近有一档卖了十多年Apam Balik 的小摊子, 路过时偶尔也会驻足解嘴馋, 不为别的.....就是光为了那烤香的花生馅. 星转斗移,一晃几十年, 摊子早已不复存在了, Apam Balik 则烙印在心炊里.

慢煎糕 / Apam Balik / Folded Peanut Pancakes

Ingredients :
A. Batter : 1 cup(150g) self raising flour, 2 tablespoons caster sugar, 1 egg and 1 cup(250ml) fresh milk
B. Filling : combine roasted peanuts ( crushed ), pinch of salt and sugar in a bowl, mix well and set aside

Method :
1. Lightly whisk milk and egg in a jug. Sift flour into a bowl, stir in sugar, mix well. Make a well in the centre, add in milk mixture. Whisk until just combined. Rest mixture for 30 minutes before cooking.
2. Heat a non stick frying pan over medium heat, brush pan with cooking oil. Add a large ladle of batter to the pan and spread it over the base and a little up the sides of the pan. Cover with lid and cook for 2 to 3 minutes or until bubbles appear on surface. When cook, rub the top of the pancake with a little butter and sprinkle generously with peanut mixture. Fold the pancake over and repeat with remaining mixture.

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