Wednesday, January 28, 2015




Ingredients for the dough : 150g gold sweet potato (peeled, steamed and mashed), 175g glutinous rice flour, 1 tablespoon caster sugar, approx.120g hot water, and 2 tablespoons cooking oil

Ingredients for the filling : 180g mung beans (split green beans), 100g sugar, 1 tablespoon cooking oil and 2 pandan leaves

Method :

For the filling :
1. Steam mung beans and knotted pandan leaves over boiling water for about 30 minutes or until tender. Discard pandan leaves. Using a fork, roughly mash mung beans.
2. In a non stick pan, combine mashed green bean, sugar and oil, cook on low heat until thick and smooth.
3. Cool and shape mung bean paste into balls (20g each), cover with a damp cloth.

For the dough :
1. Combine all ingredients except water and oil in a bowl, roughly mix and add water gradually, knead until the dough is soft. Add oil, continue kneading until the dough feels smooth and not sticky.

To assemble :
1. Divide dough into 20g each, roll each dough into a ball and flatten it to 1/2 cm thick and wrap the filling inside. Shape into a ball.
2. Lightly dust the mould with glutinous rice flour, press the ball into the mould and lightly knock it out.
3. Place shaped dough on a piece of non stick baking paper or greased banana leaf.
4. Steam over boiling water for about 8 minutes. Remove the lid every 3 to 4 minutes.
5. Lightly brush angku kuih with oil.

把隔夜的红龟糕烙了再吃, 美味无比。

Friday, January 23, 2015


简单的夏日料理, 只须把鸡腿隔日腌制好,放进烤箱, 以二百度烤大约五十分钟, 中途刷上一层腌制的酱料, 翻面再烤......烤至金黄色,香味溢出时, 就可以上桌了。


腌料: 南乳, 南乳汁, 料酒, 大蒜, 蜜糖, 黑酱油, 胡椒粉,盐.......等等等.....

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


把长了芽的大蒜埋在土垠里, 过了一段日子再把它挖出, 成就了有机大蒜.....

把青葱的根部埋在土垠里, 就经年累月的有棵新鲜葱来炒盘菜......

轻而易举, 何乐而不为?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


夏季的核果琳琅满目, 美不胜收且价格便宜。把过剩,熟透或味道太酸的核果制作成果酱, 倒是件美事。

Apricot Jam

Ingredients : apricots, sugar and lemon juice

Sunday, January 11, 2015


内部组织柔软,拉丝明显的老式面包。由于面团过於柔软, 整型时不利索, 非常折腾, 最终草草完事。


Ingredients for the leaven : 210g bread flour, 90g low protein flour, 25g sugar, 6g dried yeast, 120g milk and 120g water
Ingredients for the main dough : 210g bread flour, 90g low protein flour, 95g sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 90g eggs, 55g milk and 70g butter
Topping : melted butter

1. For the leaven : Combine all ingredients, knead for a few minutes, cover the dough with damp cloth,  leave to ferment until tripled in size and the middle part of the dough collapses.
2. Combine all ingredients and the leaven except butter, knead until the dough is soft, add butter, continue kneading until the dough feels very elastic and smooth.
3. Cover dough with a damp cloth, leave to rise until doubled in size.
4. Punch down the risen dough with your knuckles to deflate it. Turn it out onto a lightly floured worktop and knead gently for a minute. Shape the dough. Place on a greased tin, cover with damp cloth and leave to rise until doubled in size.
5. Preheat oven to 180 deg C. Bake for about 30 minutes or until golden.
6. Brush the bread with melted butter as soon as the bread come out of the oven.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


2014结束的如此悲催, 就用一个高兴的方法来对待2015呗。


Ingredients : 300g bread flour, 120g pumpkin mash, 40g sugar, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon dried yeast, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 50 to 60g water, 20g vegetable oil, sunflower seed, chia seed and sesame seed

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