Saturday, October 25, 2014


在澳洲工作七年,除了见识到部分澳洲人的那股好逸恶劳, 表里不一及戳脊粱骨的范儿之外,就是收获了几位"小伙伴",虽不常往来但偶尔相聚联系,话说家常确也挺可乐的.

Pandan leaf flavoured Kaya ( Coconut Curd )

Ingredients : 5 eggs (50g each), 150g caster sugar, 180g coconut cream (ayam brand) mix with 70g water, 50g home made pandan paste and 25g pandan juice

1. Place eggs and sugar in a bowl, whisk until sugar dissolves.
2. Add remaining ingredients, mix well. Strain mixture into a heatproof bowl.
3. Place bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, making sure the bowl does not touch the water. Cook, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon for about 45 minutes or until mixture thickens and coats the back of the spoon. Remove from heat. Pour mixture into hot, sterilised jars, secure lids and refrigerate.

Note : to obtain a silky smooth texture, use hand held blender to blend the kaya or strain the kaya through a sieve.

Home made Pandan paste : one bunch fresh pandan leaves ( about A$2.50 to A$3.00 per bunch ) and small amount of water

1. Wash and cut pandan leaves in small pieces.
2. Blend with water until fine.
3. Squeeze out the juice through a sieve. 
4. Pour juice into a clean container and refrigerate for at least one day.
5. A thicker or darker layer formed at the bottom of the container which is called pandan paste or pandan extract.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


一天有早晚 ....... 早晚有一天 ......





Ingredients :
A. Sponge dough :  60g plain flour, 1/4 teaspoon dried yeast and 40g water ( Place all ingredients in a bowl and knead until a dough forms, cover with cling wrap and refrigerate overnight. Make 100g of sponge dough )
B. Main dough for milk buns : 50g sponge dough, 150g plain flour, 1/2 teaspoon dried yeast, 90 - 100g fresh milk, 10g caster sugar, 5g unsalted butter and pinch of salt
C. Main dough for pumpkin buns : 50g sponge dough, 150g plain flour, 1/2 teaspoon dried yeast, 10g caster sugar, pinch of salt, 5g unsalted butter, 200g pumpkin mash and approx. 20g-50g fresh milk

Basic method :
1. Put all ingredients except milk in a bowl, mix well. Add milk to form a dough. ( if dough feels stiff and dry, work in a little more milk; if it feels tacky, work in a little more flour ) Knead until the dough feels soft and elastic. Cover and leave in a warm place until doubled in size.
2. Flour the worktop and roll out the dough to a rectangle shape, brush water over the dough. Roll up the dough tightly from the longer side, cut into 5 to 6 pieces. Cover and leave to proof in a warm place until doubled in size or very soft to touch.
3. Steam for about 12 minutes, allow to sit in a steamer for another 5 minutes with lid slightly open.
Note: Cover the top of the steamer with a kitchen towel and place the lid on top, the towel will absorb any steam that collects on top from dripping onto the steamed buns.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


另一层次口感的面包......再配上烤鸡腿和沙拉, 晚餐也就搞定了. 所谓柴米油盐, 日复一日, 百味人生也就熬出来了......

Rosemary and Black Pepper Rolls


Ingredients : 2 teaspoons freshly chopped rosemary, 1 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper, 250g bread flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 11/2 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon dried yeast, 1 small egg, 1 tablespoon cooking oil and approx. 125ml water

Preheat the oven to 180 deg C.  Lightly brush the top of the rolls with melted butter, then sprinkle with remaining chopped rosemary, cracked pepper and sea salt flakes. Bake for about 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Remove them from the oven and brush with remaining butter.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


某日, 在亚洲杂货店看到新鲜的木署, 分外觉得稀罕, 二话不说就买了些回家......原来刨木署确实是件挺费劲的活儿.




Ingredients : cassava, gula melaka, grated coconut and pinch of salt
Method : steam cassava over high heat till cook through, serve with gula melaka syrup and grated coconut

Ingredients : 450g grated cassava, 50g grated coconut, 1 egg, 80g coconut milk, 40g milk, 110g caster sugar 40g melted butter and honey.
Method : Place all ingredients except honey in a bowl and mix well. Pour mixture into a lined loaf tin and bake for about 35 minutes at 180 deg C. Remove tin from the oven, brush honey on top of the cake and continue to bake for another 10 minutes or until golden brown colour.

Ingredients : A) 400g grated cassava, 100g coconut cream, 50g water and120g caster sugar. 
B)grated coconut and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Method : Place A in a bowl, mix until well combined. Pour mixture into a greased tin. Steam over high heat for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile steam grated coconut and salt for about 10 minutes and set aside
Serve cake with grated coconut.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


曾家太后健康还行的时候, 就喜欢泡制这款南瓜糕, 每每要传授于我但又咿呦的说不出份量.....如今身体状况也每况愈下.....渐行渐远.....我倒也似模似样的弄出此点心,味道还不错.


A. 400g diced butternut pumpkin, 5 dried mushrooms, 60g dried shrimps, shallots, garlic and water
B. 175g rice flour, 25g tapioca flour, 1 tablespoon corn flour and 350g to 400g water.
C. soy sauce, salt, white pepper, five-spice powder, sugar and sesame oil
D. red chilli, spring onion, toasted white sesame seed and fried shallot 

Method :
1. Pan fry dried shrimps, shallots and garlic till crispy and set aside.
2. Combine rice flour, tapioca flour and corn flour in a bowl, make a well in the centre, gradually add water, stirring with chopsticks until a smooth batter forms.
3. Add soy sauce, salt, white pepper, five spice powder, sugar and sesame oil to the batter, mix well.
4. Heat oil in a frying pan over a medium heat, add mushrooms and pumpkin. Cook, stirring for a few minutes, add water, cook for another two to three minutes, or until vegetables are tender. Add 1/2 portion of the shallot mixture, stir until well combined.
5. Add rice batter to the vegetable mixture, cook until the mixture thickened.
6. Pour mixture into a greased tin, steam over medium heat for about 40 minutes or until cook through.
7. Garnish the pumpkin cake with red chilli, spring onion, toasted sesame seed and 1/2 portion of the shallot mixture.
8. Serve with chilli sauce.

Monday, October 6, 2014


随着春季缓缓的流逝,白昼一天天变长, 夏令时也从昨日开始了. 今天早上眼睛特别的困.


A. 125g unsalted butter, 50g caster sugar and 50g icing sugar
B. 1 egg, 2 drops vanilla essence and 1 tablespoon instance coffee
C. 150g plain flour, 75g self raising flour and 50g almond meal
D. 125g walnuts

Method :
Cream the butter and sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer until pale and fluffy, Add in egg, vanilla essence and instance coffee, mix until well incorporated. Stir in the combined sifted flours and almond meal in 2 batches, mix well. ( stir in one or two tablespoons milk if the mixture is too dry ) Add walnuts.

Roll the mixture into a log. Wrap in baking paper and refrigerate for 1 hour or until firm. 

Preheat oven to 160°C, cut the log into 1cm slices and place 3cm apart on lined oven trays. 

Bake the biscuits  for about 20 minutes or until golden brown colour.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014


带了果仁面包卷火腿奶酪面包卷, 路过几个质朴小镇, 吃了一顿丰盛的老外晚餐且在Bairnsdale住上一晚, 次日抵达Lake Entrance. 全程大约四百公哩. 来回途中竟把石田裕辅用洗脸盆吃羊肉饭阅毕. 这仍是我弃业后的第二本书.



300g Bakers flour, 1 teaspoon dried yeast, 35g caster sugar, pinch of salt, 1/2 egg, 180g to 200g fresh milk, 25g unsalted butter, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, mixed nuts and dried fruits/ham, cheese slices and fresh parsley

Egg wash for glazing

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