Pandan leaf flavoured Kaya ( Coconut Curd )
Ingredients : 5 eggs (50g each), 150g caster sugar, 180g coconut cream (ayam brand) mix with 70g water, 50g home made pandan paste and 25g pandan juice
Method :
1. Place eggs and sugar in a bowl, whisk until sugar dissolves.
2. Add remaining ingredients, mix well. Strain mixture into a heatproof bowl.
3. Place bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, making sure the bowl does not touch the water. Cook, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon for about 45 minutes or until mixture thickens and coats the back of the spoon. Remove from heat. Pour mixture into hot, sterilised jars, secure lids and refrigerate.
Note : to obtain a silky smooth texture, use hand held blender to blend the kaya or strain the kaya through a sieve.
Home made Pandan paste : one bunch fresh pandan leaves ( about A$2.50 to A$3.00 per bunch ) and small amount of water
1. Wash and cut pandan leaves in small pieces.
2. Blend with water until fine.
3. Squeeze out the juice through a sieve.
4. Pour juice into a clean container and refrigerate for at least one day.
5. A thicker or darker layer formed at the bottom of the container which is called pandan paste or pandan extract.