Friday, June 26, 2015

Cabled Cowl

Wrap twice around the neck, super warm cowl in the winter.

Cabled Cowl

Using 7 mm needles and two strands of yarn together, cast on 40 stitches

Beg Patt :
1st row  : K2, P4, K1tbl, P2, K1tbl, P4, K12, P4, K1tbl, P2 K1tbl, P4 and K2
2nd and foll alt rows :  K6, P1tbl, K2, P1tbl, K4, P12, K4, P1tbl, K2, P1tbl and K6
3rd row  : As 1st row
5th row  : K2, P4, T4B, P4, C6B, C6F, P4, T4B, P4 and K2
7th row  : K2, P4, K1tbl, P2, K1tbl, P1 C6B, K6, C6F, P1, K1tbl, P2, Ktbl, P4 and K2
9th row  : As 1st row
11th row  : K2, P4, T4B, P4, K12, P4, T4B, P4 and K2
13th row  : K2, P4, K1tbl, P2, K1tbl, P4, C6B, C6F, P4, K1tbl, P2, K1tbl, P4 and K2
15th row  : As 7th row
17th row  : As 11th row
19th row  : As 1st row
21st row  : As 13th row
23rd row  : K2, P4, T4B, P1, C6B, K6, C6F, P1, T4B, P4 and K2
24th row  : As 2nd row

C6B : slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and leave at back of work, K3 then K3 from cable needle
C6F : slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and leave a front of work, K3 then K3 from cable needle
T4B : slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and leave at back of work K1tbl then P2, K1tbl from cable needle

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