Saturday, September 28, 2013


春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟,夜来风雨声,花落知多少? 春晓,孟浩然

Purple Yam Bread Rolls

 Little bread roll with purple yam filling

 Toasted purple yam bread slices with a dollop of cream cheese spread

I used the Potato bun recipe to make these purple yam bread rolls but at the same time I have incorporated heaps of mashed yam into the dough and now I confused the exact quantities.....

From September to November is spring in is time for flowers in the garden blossom....


Carefree Orchids

Iceberg roses

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


俗语说 : 好吃不过饺子,舒服不过躺着, I love dumplings regardless if they are steamed, boiled or pan-fried. My favourite dumpling restaurants are Hutong Dumpling on Market Lane in Chinatown and Dumpling King in Box hill. Last Saturday I learned how to make dumplings from a Chinese couple who are Jess's friends and presently residing in Melbourne.

Homemade Dumplings

My dumpling master 妙生 and her hubby Hong Bin. Both hail from 哈尔滨

These are my end products ...... steamed dumplings with chilli oil and vinegar

 Pan fried dumplings 锅贴 

Both taste equally good to me, the dumpling skin was thin and the filling was tasty and juicy.

Ingredients used for making dumplings :

1. The filling -  pork mince, prawns, spring onion, shredded wombok, ginger, five spice powder, salt, ground pepper, soy sauce and sesame oil.

2. The dumpling skin : 1 part plain flour and 1/2 part cold water.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


八月十五日夜湓亭望 - 白居易
昔年八月十五夜, 曲江池畔杏园边, 今年八月十五夜,湓浦沙头水馆前.
西比望乡何处是, 东南见月几回圆, 昨风一吹无人会,今夜清光似往年.

Linguine with garlic, chilli flakes, curly parsley and prawns

需要的很少可想要的却很多, 草草又一顿中秋晚饭.


Sunday, September 15, 2013



Wholemeal Bread Rolls 

Ingredients used for making the bread dough : 
400g baker flour, 100g wholemeal flour, 7g dried yeast, pinch of salt, 50g caster sugar, 40g butter, 130g thickened cream, 220g fresh milk, 30g walnut, 10g black sesame seeds, egg wash, pumpkin seeds and almond flakes for decoration ( just use whatever ingredients you have in the pantry )

I can't resist to make bread when the weather is warm. 

Friday, September 13, 2013


甜酸苦辣, 起起落落, 总是有那么一阵子....你会对某些时刻,某些事物,某些口味,某些歌曲.....有特别的感觉.

My Sunday Brunch

Mixed grain bread with ham off the bone, cheese, avocado, rocket leaves and sliced cucumber

Mixed grain bread with smoked salmon, wholegrain mustard, avocado, rocket leaves and sliced cucumber

Strawberry and vanilla yoghurt smoothies

不管是那一阵子, 太阳依旧从东边升起

Monday, September 9, 2013


窗外雨潺潺, 春意阑珊, 罗衾不耐五更寒, 梦里不知身是客, 一响贪欢.
独自莫凭栏, 无限江山, 别时容易见时难, 流水落花春去也, 天上人间. -- 浪淘沙,李煜

Grilled Chicken with Sambal Belachan, Sliced Cucumber and Coriander Leaves

This is the first dish I make since I get back from Kuala Lumpur. Just let the oven do the job and dinner is ready in about 30 minutes. 

Chicken : cut the chicken in evenly pieces and season with salt, pepper, paprika, garlic and drizzle with oil. Grill chicken pieces until golden and cooked through.

Sambal Belachan : Process fresh chillies and toasted belachan in a food proccesor to a fine paste, add lime or lemon juice and season to taste 


Saturday, September 7, 2013


与老友记把臂同游 - 跃走越南之何志明市,岘港,顺化与惠安

从少年维特的烦恼到至今的半百人生, 转转辙辙尽在不言中......

卢慧玲, 赖秀琼, 黎小媚, 朱丽馨, 郭慧娟, 林佩芬, 吴彩云, Michelle Leong, 林宝春, 丽琴, 潘惠秀, 尹洁莹,曾佩蓉 和主席陈兰英

你接受也好, 不接受也好, 人生就是一段又一段的旅程, 终归也要走下去. 有的人没能陪你一起走, 只因为他终究不是命定的那个人. 张小娴

Monday, September 2, 2013


谨此荷兰薯面包献给我前半生的老友记. 希望我的后半生也舆你们同在. thanks to loo hwai ling who taught me all these 广东不文歇后语, 实在是一针见血,搔到痒处.

整顿心情, 重新出发.

Potato Buns

Ingredients used for making this potato buns :
 500g baker flour, 120g mashed potato ( i used desiree potato ), 70g brown sugar, 140g fresh milk, 100g thickened cream, a good pinch of salt, 50g butter and 10g yeast.

Ingredients for making the custard paste :
 1 egg yolk, 65g fresh milk, 10g sugar and 15g baker flour.

Spring has arrived to melbourne, weather is getting warmer and my plants are blossom with flowers.....
a new beginning......

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